By using a proven system based on 10+ years of online marketing expertise in e-commerce which can be applied to any small, medium and large sized online store running on any type of platform without needing a lot of money upfront while at the same time attracting highly interested visitors to your store.

By using a proven system based on 10+ years of online marketing expertise in e-commerce which can be applied to any small, medium and large sized online store running on any type of platform without needing a lot of money upfront while at the same time attracting highly interested visitors to your store.

Watch the video on how to increase the revenue of your online store

Watch the video below on how to increase the revenue of your online store

What Is The Google Ads Profit Program?

The Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program is developed for online stores to maximise the full potential of Google Ads.

But maybe you wonder: Why should I use Google Ads?! Well, did you know that as of February 2021, Google receives over 90,000 searches per second on any given day? This translates into 4.8 million searches per minute, 288 million searches per hour, 7 billion searches per day and at least 2.5 trillion searches per year(!) Can you imagine the potential?

With the program, specifically optimised for online stores, we tap into that potential by creating very specific Google Search Ads for e-commerce. That way, you can target and reach your ideal customer at the moment they are searching for your products.

Inside the program, we've boiled down the very best of our 10+ years in online marketing and advertising expertise into an in-depth step by step system, which we used to grow to € 2.000.000 in additional yearly revenue. We will teach you everything you need to know to get profitable Google Ads for your store. It will boost your business to another level and bring in consistent profitable revenue every week. 


Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program



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The Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program is a shortcut

Before using the method described in the program, I use old-fashioned ways to get traffic to the online store. I tried to write Google Search Ads out of the blue without even knowing which products I should write them for, let alone how to write compelling ads. It was a lot of manual work and it took quite some time to create the ads. Not to mention that it could take several weeks between when a new product went online and all the relevant ads were running. But maybe even more important: I didn't know if the ads were going to be profitable. Even though I tried really hard...

So I decided to find a better way.

After spending € 100,000+ on Google Search Ads on finding the right set up, we were able to generate over € 2,000,000 in additional yearly revenue for our online store.

The Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program allows you to acquire visitors who are highly interested in your products and a good portion of those will convert to paying customers...

While at the same time making sure that the cost / revenue ratio (CRR) is aligned with your business costs so that you KNOW you make a consistent profit.

See below how it works in detail, but here's a quick overview of how it works:



Every business, and especially an e-commerce business, is built on one fundamental thing: generating revenue...

...And revenue is largely based on the ability to get customers.

Getting customers is the #1 expense for almost all businesses and for e-commerce it's notoriously hard

...That's why we've developed the Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program to allow you to attract customers while making sure the costs of getting those customers are perfectly aligned with the revenue they generate...

...And as a result make sure that your Google Ads account is actually profitable.

How far you scale is up to you.

...With this in-depth step by step system, you will boost your e-commerce business to another level with Google Ads that drive traffic, revenue, customers and profitability!

Limited Time Special - Download The Digital Version For Only € 67.00

Limited Time Special - Download The Digital Version For Only € 67.00

The Only System You'll Ever Need To Get Profitable Google Ads For Your Online Store

The Only System You'll Ever Need To Get Profitable Google Ads For Your Online Store

We put everything we’ve learned, everything we use ourselves, in this book so that you can learn from our mistakes, our wins, as well as benefitting from all the time, effort, and money that has gone into the experiences that made their way into this book.

24 Chapters

Divided into 5 easy to read parts. From setting up your account to maximising the potential, everything you need from A-Z.

20,000+ words, 121 pages

Everything you need to know to get profitable Google Ads for your store which also allows you to cherry pick your content.

1 Proven System

Profit from our years of experience in Search Engine Advertising for e-commerce by joining our Profit Program.

Quick preview of what's inside the Ebook...





Here's Everything Else You're Getting With Your Secrets of Profitable Google Ads Book For Only € 67.00

Secrets of Profitable Google Ads ebook

20,000+ words Ebook

24 chapters, 5 parts, 121 pages. A refreshingly in-depth yet to the point 120-page 20,000+ words book. All focused on one thing: explaining how to set up profitable Google Ads for your online store.

VALUE: € 300 € 67.00

Million Dollar Ad Template Google Ads

Bonus #1: Million Dollar Ad Template

This Google Sheets template, based on the ads which generated over €2,000,000 in yearly revenue, does the heavy lifting to build your account structure and ads based on your product feed.


Step By Step Action Plan for Google Ads by Online Retail Profit

Bonus #2: Step-By-Step Action Plan

With the Step-By-Step Action Plan you'll know exactly what to do, explained in simple, step by step instructions. If you follow these steps you're well on your way to double your online revenue with Google Ads!


30 Day Routine Plan for Google Ads by Online Retail Profit

Bonus #3: 30 Day Routine Plan

With the 30 Day Routine Plan you'll will know everything you have to do every month in order to remain successful. It will greatly help you to improve the results and profitability of your Google Ads account.


Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program

Total Estimated Value: € 400

Available Now With Fast Action Discount For Only € 99 € 67.00
That's only € 0,184 per day in the next 12 months...

Convinced And Ready To Set Up Profitable Google Ads For Your Store? Click Below To Get Immediate Access Right Now!



Total Estimated Value: € 400

Available Now With Fast Action Discount For Only € 99 € 67.00
That's only € 0,184 per day in the next 12 months...

Convinced And Ready To Set Up Profitable Google Ads For Your Store? Click Below To Get Immediate Access Right Now!



Here's What People Think About It

Elmar Jansen

SEO-consultant and

owner of multiple webshops

My go-to-guy for designing and executing profitable advertising strategies

I'm a SEO-consultant and I have met Mark a few years ago. Since then he is my go-to-guy for designing and executing profitable advertising strategies that work well within the complete 'marketing-mix'. With his ability to constantly refine campaigns and his automated bidding process, he really is able to perform as desired.

Have You Ever Wondered...

How online stores use Google Ads to grow their revenue in a way that's stable and profitable with low risks? You know what I'm talking about.
Every time you Google for products they are there... Highly professional, well written, actionable ads which drive potential buyers to their store.
The type of ads which make up for up to 50% of overall revenue. Which consistently bring in highly interested visitors, who are actively searching for their products, ready to buy. Day in and day out, like clockwork...

But They Must Have Incredibly Big Budgets And A Lot Of Marketing Guru's Working On Those Ads 24/7, Right?

But They Must Have Incredibly Big Budgets And A Lot Of Marketing Guru's Working On Those Ads 24/7, Right?

Well, what if that actually wasn't the case? What if, those highly professional ads were created by someone who is reading this text right now? Yes, someone like YOU. How I know? Simple, because back in 2014 I was where you are right now.

Hi, my name is Mark! Since I lost my job to a meat processing machine back in 2014 (I bet you never heard that one before), I made it my mission to provide huge value to future bosses by learning all I possibly could about online advertising for e-commerce. Which is exactly what I did.

Online Store Owners Often Think Google Ads For E-commerce Is Extremely Difficult

I've been an online advertising specialist since 2013 and the #1 thing I see is that online store owners overestimate the difficulty of Google Ads.

If you're like most store owners, you probably feel like there's no way in hell you could ever get those awesome Google Ads working for your business, bringing in consistent revenue. Perhaps you don't know a thing about it and don't have a clue where to start. Not to mention you don't have a big budget to cover upfront costs. You might have even tried it before, with or without help, but the only thing that got you was a creditcard denial because of it.

It's Not Hard If You Know What You're Doing

Well, I am here to change all that! I want to show you my proven, step by step system I used in my job to grow online revenue up to €2,000,000 a year. This system is developed for and can be applied to online stores with any amount of products. It provides a lot of value to all online store owners.

And the beauty is, you don't have to know anything about Google Ads because:

I've boiled down the very best of my 10+ years in online marketing expertise into an in-depth step by step system.

Here's how I went from struggling to grow the online store to almost doubling the revenue with a proven, step-by-step system to well performing and highly profitable traffic source

Start reading here...

From: The desk of Mark's home office

RE: How to attract customers for your store without spending too much

Dear Online Store Owner,

I can do something you probably can't.

I can easily setup a highly profitable traffic source for an online store from scratch without worrying about whether it will work or not. No matter how old or new the store is and no matter what platform it uses.

I can do this by following a proven system which shows me exactly what to do to maximise the potential of the world's best intent based marketing tool: Google.

As a result, a perfect Google Ads account structure is created without second guessing the setup and that's combined with very compelling ads which entice action.

That way....

We can deliver highly interested traffic to the store, 24/7, like clockwork...

...because of the clever strategy behind the system, we know we are attracting potential buyers who are very interested in the offer and ready to buy.

And the best part?...

The entire process from setting up the account structure, determine keywords and writing the ads is highly automated.

Making what I'm about to share with you,

The Single Most Effective Method Of Generating High Quality Traffic To Your Online Store, In Any Market Running On Any Platform

And it all starts with YOUR BUSINESS. The system checks your entire product catalog and determines whether advertising on Google is feasible and profitable for your store when taking into account your product prices, conversion rate, costs of goods sold and even logistic costs.

So based on that, we will create very professional, compelling and enticing ads and then...

The system will provide you with highly interested visitors from Google Ads

A good portion of those will convert into buying customers. How much depends on your business but we will get to that in a later stage.

If you're skeptical about that...

That's good.

Because there are a lot of people out there promising all sorts of results, but that then don't deliver...

...and in fact, they can't back them up, even if they wanted to.

I've been there...

And I know you don't want to hear any more promises...

That's why what I'm about to say right now might not be what you want to hear, but I'm going to tell you anyway. Why? Because I think it says a lot about what you can expect from me...

Hi, my name is Mark! Since I lost my job to a meat processing machine back in 2014 (I bet you never heard that one before), I made it my mission to provide huge value to future bosses by learning all I possibly could about online advertising for e-commerce. Which is exactly what I did.

After I lost my job, I spent my own money to learn everything about Google Analytics and Google Ads. Just because I KNEW I had to invest in myself to gain knowledge, learn these new skills and eventually make living from it. I even laminated the Google certificate with the 92% score haha.

Fast forward to today and I've 15.000+ hours under my belt doing performance marketing and Google Ads for e-commerce. Managing budgets of € 1.000.000+ per year and making € 5.000.000+ in return.

If you're like most store owners, you probably feel like there's no way in hell you could ever get those awesome Google Ads working for your business, bringing in consistent revenue. Well, I am here to change all that!

I want to show you my proven, step by step system I used in my job to grow online revenue up to €2.000.000 a year. This system is developed for and can be applied to online stores with any amount of products. It provides a lot of value to all online store owners.

And the beauty is, you don't have to know anything about Google Ads because:

I've boiled down the very best of my 10+ years in online marketing expertise into an in-depth step by step system.

Here's What You'll Discover In The Secrets Of Profitable Google Ads Book

Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program

At The End Of This Program, You Will Know:

    • The Huge Potential Of Google Ads 

    Read pages 7 & 8 to find this out

    • The Basics Of Google Ads, How It Works And How To Create Your Account

    Find out more on pages 9 - 18

    • How To Create The Perfect Account Structure

    As you can read on pages 19 - 29

    • How To Set Advertising Goals And Why You Don't Need Unlimited Budgets

    Read why and how on pages 30 - 38

    • How To Determine The Right Products To Advertise With

    Which I'll tell you on page 39

    • The Advanced Strategies I Used To Grow To €2,000,000+ Yearly Revenue

    As described on pages 40 - 48, 61 - 66, 80 - 87 and Part 5

    • The Crucial Element Of Every Profitable Account And The 3 Key Aspects To Nail That

    Read all about it on pages 49 - 55

    • The Core Ingredients For Writing Compelling Ads And How To Write Them Yourself

    Find out on pages 56 -  60

    • How To Enhance Your Ads

    By reading pages 61 - 66

    • How To Greatly Improve The Performance With The Right Keyword Strategy

    As discussed on pages 68 - 78

    • How To Double Down On High Performing Segments

    As you can read on pages 80 - 85

    • How To Track Your Success

    Read pages 86 - 87 to learn all about it

    • Probably The Most Important Part: What To Do To Maintain And Improve Your Success

    Which I'll tell you on pages 88 - 107

    • The Most Common Problems You Might Encounter And How To Solve Them

    As discussed in the troubleshooting chapter on pages 109 - 110

    • The Awesome Automated Google Ads Solution For Online Stores

    Which I'll explain on pages 111 - 113

    • The Explanation Of The Most Commonly Used Abbreviations And Metrics

    As clearly noted on pages 115 - 118

After The Program You Will Have A Fully Fledged Google Ads Account That Brings In Consistent Profitable Revenue On A Weekly Basis For Your Store.

You Will Compete With The Big Guys And Blow Them Away With Your Professional Ads And Performance.

You Will Have Highly Professional, Well Written, Actionable Ads Which Drive Potential Buyers To Your Store

The Type Of Ads Which Make Up For Up To 50% Of Overall Revenue. Which Consistently Bring In Highly Interested Visitors, Who Are Actively Searching For Your Products, Ready To Buy. Day In And Day Out, Like Clockwork...


Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program


You save € 22

Download the book and 3 bonuses for only € 67!


Delivered instantly. Start to read within 2 minutes.


Mollie Secure Payments

Here's how I went from struggling to grow the online store to almost doubling the revenue with a proven, step-by-step system to well performing and highly profitable traffic source

Start reading here...

From: The desk of Mark's home office

RE: How to attract customers for your store without spending too much

Dear Online Store Owner,

I can do something you probably can't.

I can easily setup a highly profitable traffic source for an online store from scratch without worrying about whether it will work or not. No matter how old or new the store is and no matter what platform it uses.

I can do this by following a proven system which shows me exactly what to do to maximise the potential of the world's best intent based marketing tool: Google.

As a result, a perfect Google Ads account structure is created without second guessing the setup and that's combined with very compelling ads which entice action.

That way....

We can deliver highly interested traffic to the store, 24/7, like clockwork...

...because of the clever strategy behind the system, we know we are attracting potential buyers who are very interested in the offer and ready to buy.

And the best part?...

The entire process from setting up the account structure, determine keywords and writing the ads is highly automated.

Making what I'm about to share with you,

The Single Most Effective Method Of Generating High Quality Traffic To Your Online Store, In Any Market Running On Any Platform

And it all starts with YOUR BUSINESS. The system checks your entire product catalog and determines whether advertising on Google is feasible and profitable for your store when taking into account your product prices, conversion rate, costs of goods sold and even logistic costs.

So based on that, we will create very professional, compelling and enticing ads and then...

The system will provide you with highly interested visitors from Google Ads

A good portion of those will convert into buying customers. How much depends on your business but we will get to that in a later stage.

If you're skeptical about that...

That's good.

Because there are a lot of people out there promising all sorts of results, but that then don't deliver...

...and in fact, they can't back them up, even if they wanted to.

I've been there...

And I know you don't want to hear any more promises...

That's why what I'm about to say right now might not be what you want to hear, but I'm going to tell you anyway. Why? Because I think it says a lot about what you can expect from me...

Hi, my name is Mark! Since I lost my job to a meat processing machine back in 2014 (I bet you never heard that one before), I made it my mission to provide huge value to future bosses by learning all I possibly could about online advertising for e-commerce. Which is exactly what I did.

After I lost my job, I spent my own money to learn everything about Google Analytics and Google Ads. Just because I KNEW I had to invest in myself to gain knowledge, learn these new skills and eventually make living from it. I even laminated the Google certificate with the 92% score haha.

Fast forward to today and I've 15.000+ hours under my belt doing performance marketing and Google Ads for e-commerce. Managing budgets of € 1.000.000+ per year and making € 5.000.000+ in return.

If you're like most store owners, you probably feel like there's no way in hell you could ever get those awesome Google Ads working for your business, bringing in consistent revenue. Well, I am here to change all that!

I want to show you my proven, step by step system I used in my job to grow online revenue up to €2.000.000 a year. This system is developed for and can be applied to online stores with any amount of products. It provides a lot of value to all online store owners.

And the beauty is, you don't have to know anything about Google Ads because:

I've boiled down the very best of my 10+ years in online marketing expertise into an in-depth step by step system.

Here's What You'll Discover In The Secrets Of Profitable Google Ads Book

Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program

At The End Of This Program, You Will Know:

    • The Huge Potential Of Google Ads 

    Read pages 7 & 8 to find this out

    • The Basics Of Google Ads, How It Works And How To Create Your Account

    Find out more on pages 9 - 18

    • How To Create The Perfect Account Structure

    As you can read on pages 19 - 29

    • How To Set Advertising Goals And Why You Don't Need Unlimited Budgets

    Read why and how on pages 30 - 38

    • How To Determine The Right Products To Advertise With

    Which I'll tell you on page 39

    • The Advanced Strategies I Used To Grow To €2,000,000+ Yearly Revenue

    As described on pages 40 - 48, 61 - 66, 80 - 87 and Part 5

    • The Crucial Element Of Every Profitable Account And The 3 Key Aspects To Nail That

    Read all about it on pages 49 - 55

    • The Core Ingredients For Writing Compelling Ads And How To Write Them Yourself

    Find out on pages 56 -  60

    • How To Enhance Your Ads

    By reading pages 61 - 66

    • How To Greatly Improve The Performance With The Right Keyword Strategy

    As discussed on pages 68 - 78

    • How To Double Down On High Performing Segments

    As you can read on pages 80 - 85

    • How To Track Your Success

    Read pages 86 - 87 to learn all about it

    • Probably The Most Important Part: What To Do To Maintain And Improve Your Success

    Which I'll tell you on pages 88 - 107

    • The Most Common Problems You Might Encounter And How To Solve Them

    As discussed in the troubleshooting chapter on pages 109 - 110

    • The Awesome Automated Google Ads Solution For Online Stores

    Which I'll explain on pages 111 - 113

    • The Explanation Of The Most Commonly Used Abbreviations And Metrics

    As clearly noted on pages 115 - 118

After The Program You Will Have A Fully Fledged Google Ads Account That Brings In Consistent Profitable Revenue On A Weekly Basis For Your Store.

You Will Compete With The Big Guys And Blow Them Away With Your Professional Ads And Performance.

You Will Have Highly Professional, Well Written, Actionable Ads Which Drive Potential Buyers To Your Store

The Type Of Ads Which Make Up For Up To 50% Of Overall Revenue. Which Consistently Bring In Highly Interested Visitors, Who Are Actively Searching For Your Products, Ready To Buy. Day In And Day Out, Like Clockwork...


Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program


You save € 72

Download the book and 3 bonuses for only € 67!


Delivered instantly. Start to read within 2 minutes.


Mollie Secure Payments

Our Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program Will Help You Maximise The Potential Of Your Online Store

Our Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program Will Help You Maximise The Potential Of Your Store

Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program

Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program

Everything You Need To Know And Do To Get Profitable Google Ads For Your Store
Inside, I've boiled down the very best of my 10+ years in online marketing and advertising expertise into an in-depth step by step system. I will teach you everything you need to know to get profitable Google Ads for your store, which will boost your business to another level and bring in consistent revenue every week. 

Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program

Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program

Everything You Need To Know And Do To Get Profitable Google Ads For Your Store
Inside, I've boiled down the very best of my 10+ years in online marketing and advertising expertise into an in-depth step by step system. I will teach you everything you need to know to get profitable Google Ads for your store, which will boost your business to another level and bring in consistent revenue every week. 

My Risk Free 100% Money Back Guarantee

If You Don't Like It, I Offer A 100% Money Back Guarantee For 30 Days. Just Send Us An Email And We Will Refund You, No Questions Asked. There's Absolutely No Risk For You!

My Risk Free 100% Money Back Guarantee

If You Don't Like It, I Offer A 100% Money Back Guarantee For 30 Days. Just Send Us An Email And We Will Refund You, No Questions Asked. There's Absolutely No Risk For You!

Why Google Ads?

Our Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program is developed to maximise the full potential of Google Ads for e-commerce. But maybe you wonder:

Why should I use Google Ads?!

Well, I'll explain that.

You see, a lot of online marketing channels rely on push marketing. These let you target an audience and “invade” your audiences’ online world to show your products or services (for example Facebook Ads). However, there is no guarantee that those people are actually looking for your products or services, so all you might do is agitate and annoy them.

While it can be used effectively, we prefer another channel for our clients. Luckily, there is a way of reaching people who are ACTIVELY SEARCHING for YOUR PRODUCTS. At a place which is based on PULL MARKETING, not push. This makes Google Ads a very performance based channel.

Behold the enormous power of the world’s largest search engine. As of February 2021, Google receives over 90,000 searches per second on any given day. This translates into 4.8 million searches per minute, 288 million searches per hour, 7 billion searches per day and at least 2.5 trillion searches per year.

With Google Ads, you have the possibility to CHOOSE YOUR KEYWORDS. So you can target and reach your ideal customer at the moment they are searching for your products, how great is that?!

But that's not all. There are more benefits of Google Ads.

Why Google Ads?

Our Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program is developed to maximise the full potential of Google Ads for e-commerce. But maybe you wonder:

Why should I use Google Ads?!

Well, I'll explain that.

You see, a lot of online marketing channels rely on push marketing. These let you target an audience and “invade” your audiences’ online world to show your products or services (for example Facebook Ads). However, there is no guarantee that those people are actually looking for your products or services, so all you might do is agitate and annoy them.

While it can be used effectively, we prefer another channel for our clients. Luckily, there is a way of reaching people who are ACTIVELY SEARCHING for YOUR PRODUCTS. At a place which is based on PULL MARKETING, not push. This makes Google Ads a very performance based channel.

Behold the enormous power of the world’s largest search engine. As of February 2021, Google receives over 90,000 searches per second on any given day. This translates into 4.8 million searches per minute, 288 million searches per hour, 7 billion searches per day and at least 2.5 trillion searches per year.

With Google Ads, you have the possibility to CHOOSE YOUR KEYWORDS. So you can target and reach your ideal customer at the moment they are searching for your products, how great is that?!

But that's not all. There are more benefits of Google Ads.

Other Benefits of Google Ads

Like Google says very nicely: “Online advertising allows you to show your ads to the people who are likely to be interested in your products and services, while filtering out folks who aren’t.” Yes, I know, they are biased. But it's still true!

While there are lot of benefits of and possibilities with Google Ads, these are the most important ones:

  • It’s a great tool to increase online sales, brand awareness and offline store traffic. You can very quickly increase your online sales by anywhere between 10 to 900%. If creating more brand awareness is your goal, Google Ads is also a good choice. Studies have shown as much as a 80% lift or 6,6 percentage point increase of brand awareness when using Google Ads.
  • Attract specific new customers at scale. Google Ads lets you choose which people you want to attract, based on what they are searching for (keywords).
  • Google Ads is way faster than SEO, it can get you instant visibility and results.
  • Control your budget, targeting, timing, messaging and more. You can set a daily budget to limit and control your costs as well as choose which keywords you want to trigger ads for. In addition, you can craft your own message and pause at any time.
  • It’s highly measurable. Unlike traditional media such as newspapers, radio, television, billboards, magazines etc. you can see exactly how often your ads have been shown, how many people clicked on it and how much they bought.
  • Reconnect with previous website visitors. Google Ads allows you to attract customers again who were on your site before. This feature is called remarketing and is a great revenue driver.
  • Track your competitors. Ever wonder if and how often your competitors are running ads? With Google Ads you can see who you’re competing with in the auction and how often they are in the same auction as you.

So it's clear that Google Ads has a lot of potential if done right!

Other Benefits of Google Ads

Like Google says very nicely: “Online advertising allows you to show your ads to the people who are likely to be interested in your products and services, while filtering out folks who aren’t.” Yes, I know, they are biased. But it's still true!

While there are lot of benefits of and possibilities with Google Ads, these are the most important ones:

  • It’s a great tool to increase online sales, brand awareness and offline store traffic. You can very quickly increase your online sales by anywhere between 10 to 900%. If creating more brand awareness is your goal, Google Ads is also a good choice. Studies have shown as much as a 80% lift or 6,6 percentage point increase of brand awareness when using Google Ads.
  • Attract specific new customers at scale. Google Ads lets you choose which people you want to attract, based on what they are searching for (keywords).
  • Google Ads is way faster than SEO, it can get you instant visibility and results.
  • Control your budget, targeting, timing, messaging and more. You can set a daily budget to limit and control your costs as well as choose which keywords you want to trigger ads for. In addition, you can craft your own message and pause at any time.
  • It’s highly measurable. Unlike traditional media such as newspapers, radio, television, billboards, magazines etc. you can see exactly how often your ads have been shown, how many people clicked on it and how much they bought.
  • Reconnect with previous website visitors. Google Ads allows you to attract customers again who were on your site before. This feature is called remarketing and is a great revenue driver.
  • Track your competitors. Ever wonder if and how often your competitors are running ads? With Google Ads you can see who you’re competing with in the auction and how often they are in the same auction as you.

So it's clear that Google Ads has a lot of potential if done right!

Here's Some Knowledge And Skills You'll Learn Inside...

At The End Of This Program, You Will Know:

    • The Huge Potential Of Google Ads 

    Read pages 7 & 8 to find this out

    • The Basics Of Google Ads, How It Works And How To Create Your Account

    Find out more on pages 9 - 18

    • How To Create The Perfect Account Structure

    As you can read on pages 19 - 29

    • How To Set Advertising Goals And Why You Don't Need Unlimited Budgets

    Read why and how on pages 30 - 38

    • How To Determine The Right Products To Advertise With

    Which I'll tell you on page 39

    • The Advanced Strategies I Used To Grow To €2,000,000+ Yearly Revenue

    As described on pages 40 - 48, 61 - 66, 80 - 87 and Part 5

    • The Crucial Element Of Every Profitable Account And The 3 Key Aspects To Nail That

    Read all about it on pages 49 - 55

    • The Core Ingredients For Writing Compelling Ads And How To Write Them Yourself

    Find out on pages 56 -  60

    • How To Enhance Your Ads

    By reading pages 61 - 66

    • How To Greatly Improve The Performance With The Right Keyword Strategy

    As discussed on pages 68 - 78

    • How To Double Down On High Performing Segments

    As you can read on pages 80 - 85

    • How To Track Your Success

    Read pages 86 - 87 to learn all about it

    • Probably The Most Important Part: What To Do To Maintain And Improve Your Success

    Which I'll tell you on pages 88 - 107

    • The Most Common Problems You Might Encounter And How To Solve Them

    As discussed in the troubleshooting chapter on pages 109 - 110

    • The Awesome Automated Google Ads Solution For Online Stores

    Which I'll explain on pages 111 - 113

    • The Explanation Of The Most Commonly Used Abbreviations And Metrics

    As clearly noted on pages 115 - 118

After The Program You Will Have A Fully Fledged Google Ads Account That Brings In Consistent Profitable Revenue On A Weekly Basis For Your Store.

You Will Compete With The Big Guys And Blow Them Away With Your Professional Ads And Performance.

You Will Have Highly Professional, Well Written, Actionable Ads Which Drive Potential Buyers To Your Store. The Type Of Ads Which Make Up For Up To 50% Of Overall Revenue. Which Consistently Bring In Highly Interested Visitors, Who Are Actively Searching For Your Products, Ready To Buy. Day In And Day Out, Like Clockwork...

Here's Some Knowledge And Skills You'll Learn Inside...

At The End Of This Program, You Will Know:

    • The Huge Potential Of Google Ads 

    Read pages 7 & 8 to find this out

    • The Basics Of Google Ads, How It Works And How To Create Your Account

    Find out more on pages 9 - 18

    • How To Create The Perfect Account Structure

    As you can read on pages 19 - 29

    • How To Set Advertising Goals And Why You Don't Need Unlimited Budgets

    Read why and how on pages 30 - 38

    • How To Determine The Right Products To Advertise With

    Which I'll tell you on page 39

    • The Advanced Strategies I Used To Grow To €2,000,000+ Yearly Revenue

    As described on pages 40 - 48, 61 - 66, 80 - 87 and Part 5

    • The Crucial Element Of Every Profitable Account And The 3 Key Aspects To Nail That

    Read all about it on pages 49 - 55

    • The Core Ingredients For Writing Compelling Ads And How To Write Them Yourself

    Find out on pages 56 -  60

    • How To Enhance Your Ads

    By reading pages 61 - 66

    • How To Greatly Improve The Performance With The Right Keyword Strategy

    As discussed on pages 68 - 78

    • How To Double Down On High Performing Segments

    As you can read on pages 80 - 85

    • How To Track Your Success

    Read pages 86 - 87 to learn all about it

    • Probably The Most Important Part: What To Do To Maintain And Improve Your Success

    Which I'll tell you on pages 88 - 107

    • The Most Common Problems You Might Encounter And How To Solve Them

    As discussed in the troubleshooting chapter on pages 109 - 110

    • The Awesome Automated Google Ads Solution For Online Stores

    Which I'll explain on pages 111 - 113

    • The Explanation Of The Most Commonly Used Abbreviations And Metrics

    As clearly noted on pages 115 - 118

After The Program You Will Have A Fully Fledged Google Ads Account That Brings In Consistent Profitable Revenue On A Weekly Basis For Your Store.

You Will Compete With The Big Guys And Blow Them Away With Your Professional Ads And Performance.

You Will Have Highly Professional, Well Written, Actionable Ads Which Drive Potential Buyers To Your Store. The Type Of Ads Which Make Up For Up To 50% Of Overall Revenue. Which Consistently Bring In Highly Interested Visitors, Who Are Actively Searching For Your Products, Ready To Buy. Day In And Day Out, Like Clockwork...

These Are Some Results Of The Program:

  • You Will Have The Perfect Google Ads Account Structure
  • Your Ads Will Look Really Professional And Are Well Written
  • Your Ads Will Entice People To Click On Them
  • You Will Attract More Visitors Who Are Ready To Buy, Like Clockwork, 24/7
  • You Will Get More Traffic & Sales
  • Your Online Revenue Will Grow Profitably In A Stable Way
  • You Know Exactly What To Do To Maintain Optimal Performance

These Are Some Results Of The Program:

  • You Will Have The Perfect Google Ads Account Structure
  • Your Ads Will Look Really Professional And Are Well Written
  • Your Ads Will Entice People To Click On Them
  • You Will Attract More Visitors Who Are Ready To Buy, Like Clockwork, 24/7
  • You Will Get More Traffic & Sales
  • Your Online Revenue Will Grow Profitably In A Stable Way
  • You Know Exactly What To Do To Maintain Optimal Performance

See Again What's All Included In The Program:

Secrets of Profitable Google Ads ebook

Ebook Secrets of Profitable Google Ads


The core of the program is the ebook Secrets of Profitable Google Ads, the Ultimate Google Ads book for store owners and online marketers who want to increase their online revenue but don't know where to start. In a refreshingly in-depth yet to the point 120-page 20,000+ words book, online advertising specialist Mark Lubbers reveals all his Google Ads secrets. After reading this book and implementing the steps in it you have all the ingredients you need to profitably start with Google Ads and be well on your way to double your online revenue!

A Google Ads consultant can't teach you the essentials in under 3 hours, so multiply that 3 hours with an hourly rate of € 100 and the value is...

 € 300 VALUE   Price: € 67.00


And then I don’t charge you for the countless hours I’ve put into this, that’s on me ;).

Million Dollar Ad Template Google Ads

Million Dollar Ad Template


Get instant access to the Million Dollar Ad template. This Google Sheets template is based on the ads which generated over €2,000,000 in yearly revenue. It will help you to build your account structure based on your product feed and does the heavy lifting. With it, you will write really specific ads for your products according to Google's specifications. It will give you some ideas for writing and show you what your ads will look like in Google. A Google account is required to access this template.

 € 50 VALUE   FREE


Step By Step Action Plan for Google Ads by Online Retail Profit

Step-By-Step Action Plan


With the Step-By-Step Action Plan you'll know exactly what to do, explained in simple, step by step instructions. It will provide you with a list of tasks you can do in an order that makes sense. If you follow these step by step instructions you're well on your way to double your online revenue with Google Ads!

 € 25 VALUE   FREE


30 Day Routine Plan for Google Ads by Online Retail Profit

30 Day Routine Plan


With the 30 Day Routine Plan you'll will know everything you have to do every month in order to remain successful. It will greatly help you to improve the results and profitability of your Google Ads account.

 € 25 VALUE   FREE


See Again What's All Included In The Program:

Secrets of Profitable Google Ads ebook

Ebook Secrets of Profitable Google Ads


The core of the program is the ebook Secrets of Profitable Google Ads, the Ultimate Google Ads book for store owners and online marketers who want to increase their online revenue but don't know where to start. In a refreshingly in-depth yet to the point 120-page 20,000+ words book, online advertising specialist Mark Lubbers reveals all his Google Ads secrets. After reading this book and implementing the steps in it you have all the ingredients you need to profitably start with Google Ads and be well on your way to double your online revenue!

A Google Ads consultant can't teach you the essentials in under 3 hours, so multiply that 3 hours with an hourly rate of € 100 and the value is...

 € 300 VALUE   Price: € 67.00


And then I don’t charge you for the countless hours I’ve put into this, that’s on me ;).

Million Dollar Ad Template Google Ads

Million Dollar Ad Template


Get instant access to the Million Dollar Ad template. This Google Sheets template is based on the ads which generated over €2,000,000 in yearly revenue. It will help you to build your account structure based on your product feed and does the heavy lifting. With it, you will write really specific ads for your products according to Google's specifications. It will give you some ideas for writing and show you what your ads will look like in Google. A Google account is required to access this template.

 € 50 VALUE   FREE


Step By Step Action Plan for Google Ads by Online Retail Profit

Step-By-Step Action Plan


With the Step-By-Step Action Plan you'll know exactly what to do, explained in simple, step by step instructions. It will provide you with a list of tasks you can do in an order that makes sense. If you follow these step by step instructions you're well on your way to double your online revenue with Google Ads!

 € 25 VALUE   FREE


30 Day Routine Plan for Google Ads by Online Retail Profit

30 Day Routine Plan


With the 30 Day Routine Plan you'll will know everything you have to do every month in order to remain successful. It will greatly help you to improve the results and profitability of your Google Ads account.

 € 25 VALUE   FREE


Total Estimated Value: € 400

Available Now With Fast Action Discount For Only € 99 € 67.00
That's only € 0,184 per day in the next 12 months...

Convinced And Ready To Set Up Profitable Google Ads For Your Store? Click Below To Get Immediate Access Right Now!



Total Estimated Value: € 400

Available Now With Fast Action Discount For Only € 99 € 67.00
That's only € 0,184 per day in the next 12 months...

Convinced And Ready To Set Up Profitable Google Ads For Your Store? Click Below To Get Immediate Access Right Now!



More Reasons To Join:

Google Ads Is Recommended By Leading Companies


The volumes of online advertising are enormous....

In 2021 the global digital ad spend reached approximately $492 billion. Google Ads represents 38.1% of that, which comes down to over $146 billion!

The volumes of online advertising are enormous....

In 2021 the global digital ad spend reached approximately $492 billion. Google Ads represents 38.1% of that, which comes down to over $146 billion!

Our System Will Help You Get A Piece Of That...

Our System Will Help You Get A Piece Of That...

But how will it help you grow your business? Well, one of the greatest minds in marketing nails it:

But how will it help you grow your business? Well, one of the greatest minds in marketing nails it:

There's only 3 ways to grow a business:

1. Get More Customers

2. Get Customers To Spend More

3. Get Customers To Buy More Often

Jay Abraham, 21.7 Billion Dollar Man and Highest Paid Marketing Consultant

There's only 3 ways to grow a business:

1. Get More Customers

2. Get Customers To Spend More

3. Get Customers To Buy More Often

Jay Abraham, 21.7 Billion Dollar Man and Highest Paid Marketing Consultant

Our system will help you with all three but the first one especially

But What About The Budget?

I hear you thinking:
"That's all nice but I don't have a big budget and I don't want to spend a lot of money upfront."
Well, I have good news for you! You can start with Google Ads without investing a lot of money upfront. And the daily ad spend budget? Look what Google says about that:
So, you only need an ad budget of $10 a day to start with Google Ads!

Our Program Is Specifically Designed To Help You Spend That Money Wisely And Make A Profit From It...

You Will Know Exactly What To Do To Get Profitable Google Ads For Your Store

Our Program Is Specifically Designed To Help You Spend That Money Wisely And Make A Profit From It...

You Will Know Exactly What To Do To Get Profitable Google Ads For Your Store

Again, These Are Some Results Of The Program:

  • You Will Have The Perfect Google Ads Account Structure
  • Your Ads Will Look Really Professional And Are Well Written
  • Your Ads Will Entice People To Click On Them
  • You Will Attract More Visitors Who Are Ready To Buy, Like Clockwork, 24/7
  • You Will Get More Traffic & Sales
  • Your Online Revenue Will Grow Profitably In A Stable Way
  • You Know Exactly What To Do To Maintain Optimal Performance

Again, These Are Some Results Of The Program:

  • You Will Have The Perfect Google Ads Account Structure
  • Your Ads Will Look Really Professional And Are Well Written
  • Your Ads Will Entice People To Click On Them
  • You Will Attract More Visitors Who Are Ready To Buy, Like Clockwork, 24/7
  • You Will Get More Traffic & Sales
  • Your Online Revenue Will Grow Profitably In A Stable Way
  • You Know Exactly What To Do To Maintain Optimal Performance

My Risk Free 100% Money Back Guarantee

If You Don't Like It, I Offer A 100% Money Back Guarantee For 30 Days. Just Send Us An Email And We Will Refund You, No Questions Asked. There's Absolutely No Risk For You!

My Risk Free 100% Money Back Guarantee

If You Don't Like It, I Offer A 100% Money Back Guarantee For 30 Days. Just Send Us An Email And We Will Refund You, No Questions Asked. There's Absolutely No Risk For You!
Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program
€ 67.00

Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program

Everything You Need To Know And Do To Get Profitable Google Ads For Your Store
Inside, I've boiled down the very best of my 10+ years in online marketing and advertising expertise into an in-depth step by step system. I will teach you everything you need to know to get profitable Google Ads for your store, which will boost your business to another level and bring in consistent revenue every week. 

Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program
€ 67.00

Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program

Everything You Need To Know And Do To Get Profitable Google Ads For Your Store
Inside, I've boiled down the very best of my 10+ years in online marketing and advertising expertise into an in-depth step by step system. I will teach you everything you need to know to get profitable Google Ads for your store, which will boost your business to another level and bring in consistent revenue every week. 

Total Estimated Value: € 400

Available Now With Fast Action Discount For Only € 99 € 67.00



Total Estimated Value: € 400

Available Now With Fast Action Discount For Only € 99 € 67.00



Frequently Asked Questions

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

This Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program special offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you'd feel stupid by not ordering it if having an online e-commerce business that gives you profit and freedom is of any interest to you. What you'll get in this special offer includes the Secrets of Profitable Google Ads Digital Book (20,000+ words), the Million Dollar Ad Template, the Step-by-Step Action Plan and the 30 Day Routine plan.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this book but for the people that want further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.

Who is this for?

This is for 2 types of people. Those who are interested in getting more freedom in their lives by creating a profitable e-commerce business selling products with Google Ads. It is also for store owners who would like to try again with Google Ads for their business but with a new way that is proven to work in 2023 and beyond. And then automate and scale it to free up some of their time by delegating some of the work.

What is The Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program?

The Ultimate Google Ads Profit Program is developed for online stores to maximise the full potential of Google Ads for e-commerce that allows you to easily increase your online revenue in a profitable way without having to worry about spending a lot of time on your Ads.

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

With 24 chapters, 5 parts, 121 pages and 20,000 words, the e-book is refreshingly in-depth yet to the point. Written by someone who has been there and knows what the most important aspects are of Google Ads for online stores. All focused on one thing: learning you how to set up profitable Google Ads for your online store. Combined with the Million Dollar Ad Template, the Step-by-Step Action Plan and the 30 Day Routine plan we make sure you have no excuse to not start with Google Ads for your e-commerce shop.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the book.
This product is brought to you and copyrighted by Online Retail Profit.
We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

This product is brought to you and copyrighted by Online Retail Profit.

We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.